Provide Top Priorities and Actions for Defined Contribution Plan Sponsors to Consider in 2020.

This webinar will help plan sponsors prepare for and adapt to evolving issues in the DC industry, such as:

  • Ongoing litigation
  • Focus on fees
  • Growing popularity of outsourced CIO (OCIO)
  • Managed accounts
  • Interest in broader financial wellness
  • The retirement phase of DC plans

DC Plan Sponsors

Liana Manger, CFA (Moderator), US DC & Financial Wellness Leader, Mercer
Katie Hockenmaier, DC Segment Leader, West Region, Mercer
Neil Lloyd, Head of US DC & Financial Wellness Research, Mercer
Amy Reynolds, DC & Financial Wellness Consultant, Mercer

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Webinar contact

For further information regarding this webinar please contact:

Mercer webinar team