Employee benefits broker

Healthcare is complex. Costs are rising. Your people want more — and savvy organizations offer it. Mercer works as an extension of your team to analyze your goals, employee needs and risk, and deliver customized solutions that provide long-term value.

Year-round advice and support to keep employees healthy and productive

Stewarding your employee health and benefits program demands rigor and discipline. Seeing what's on the horizon requires wide-ranging vision, along with the relationships to make sense of new and established offerings.

Organizations need a partner who can evaluate the big picture but also support your team year-round. Our licensed, local brokers develop and manage:

  • Strategic health and benefits solutions
    The strongest options define answers for pressing challenges while balancing cost constraints. By putting together the right mix of health and benefits plans, support resources and technology,  while offering a personalized experience that helps attract and retain the right employees. 
  • Long-term value    
    Choosing the health plans that fit your business and budget is a good start. We help you get more by broadening the aperture to opportunities beyond your health plans in pharmacy benefits, stop loss, network design and more.
  • Contract negotiation
    Securing the best pricing, solutions and serive takes the right partners. We broker and advise on options for fully insured or self-insured medical coverage as well as a broad range of dental benefits, death and disability coverage, and other voluntary benefits that enhance value to your employees.
  • Guidance
    Healthcare costs rival retirement plans as a line item — and self-insured companies bear the responsibility of managing those funds. Call on our expertise for thorough evaluation, audit and recommendations to make sure your employees and your bottom line are covered.
  • Risk management and compliance
    Taking the long view of financial and regulatory risks can attain compliant solutions and help control the costs of health and other benefits. Our compliance specialists will evaluate your organization’s health-related risks and define options that can reduce your claims and premiums.
  • Global benefits
    We’ll counsel you on managing health and benefits for global workforces, including today’s increasingly mobile employees. That can free up resources — and your attention — to focus on other priorities.

The average cost of health benefits is 14% of payroll1

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Why choose Mercer as a benefits broker?

We’ve been named the No. 1 employee benefits broker four years in a row.³ Get competitive edge with our:
  • Getting the best value deal

    Whether you are getting the best deal and fair value?
  • Comparable benefits

    Whether your benefits are comparable to industry practice and against peers?
  • Attractive risk

    Whether you are considered an ‘attractive risk’?
  • Valued benefits

    Which benefits are valued and by which segment of your employees?

Benefits Solutions

  • Harmonize

    Align your benefits program seamlessly across business units, employee groups and integrate newly acquired businesses. Where possible, align across borders.
  • Contain costs

    Negotiate competitive deals with insurers and reduce your risk profile to contain costs and generate ROI.
  • Attract and retain people

    Provide benefits based on what employees want and need, delivered in an engaging, simple, and intuitive way to help you attract and retain talent for the future.
  • Boost health

    Introduce more preventative health benefits to keep people healthier, boost engagement and reduce claims. Enable return to work following disability.
  • Data insights

    Get a better understanding of your employee profile and anticipate savings opportunities based on current cost and cost drivers.
  • Reduce future risk

    Put in place targeted solutions to mitigate specific risks, to progress health and well-being and wider business objectives.

Mercer employee benefits broker insights

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